Welcome to my page! My name is Anthony and I am an ESL student in Mrs. Moore's class at Anson Elementary. Please read my page to learn all about me. Thanks for stopping by!

My favorite pet is a cat. I like cats because they can climb trees. My cat's name is Tiger. He gets under the trampoline when we play on the trampoline. 

When I grow up I want to be a cowboy and ride horses and rope cows I will take a break off then I want  to work so I can get food.


My favorite book is My Bible Friends. The stories are very neat. Also my mom reads the book to me. The stories are in the book. The book has lots of stories. I like God and the storm.  The worst part is everybody got sick.


Thank you for visiting my web page! Please go back to our ESL website and learn about some of my classmates! Have a great day! Love, Anthony