Welcome to my page! My name is Ricardo and I am an ESL student in Mrs. Moore' s class at Anson Elementary. Please read my page to learn all about me. Thanks for stopping by!

I like my dog because he always jumps on me when I give him food and water. When some of my family give him food my dog likes to jump on me and licks my face. My dog's name is Smokey.


I like my Friends. Their names are Gage and Christopher. What I like about my friends is that they play with me every day and I play with them every day. We play tag and I am always it.

My favorite thing to do is I like to go to my swimming pool with my family and my dog jumps in too. I get tired of swimming and I go to sleep. I wake up. I play with my dog.


Thank you for visiting my web page! Please go back to our ESL website and learn about some of my classmates! Have a great day! Love Ricardo