Welcome to my page! My name is Misael and I am an ESL student in Mrs. Moore's  class at Anson Elementary . Please read my page to learn all about me. Thanks for stopping by!

My favorite pets are the dog and cat .I like dogs because they are fun pets and I like when they bark. I like cats because they are very good climbers and they are fun to play with .I have four dogs and two cats. The dogs' names are Pretty, Little, White, and Manuel. The cats' names are Mish and Mash.

My favorite movie is Galaxy Quest because I like the man with the big head and the one that says "Never give up and never surrender." The bad guy in the movie was Cirus. He had a green face and he was really mean.


My favorite  sports are basketball and baseball .I like basketball because I get to run to each goal so we can make a score. I like baseball because we get to run all the bases and home or get a home run .You get to run all the bases without getting tagged.


Thank you for visiting my web page ! Please go back to our ESL website and learn about some of my classmates. Have a great day!        Love, Misael