October Student Work

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The themes for October were: Election and Halloween!!
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Close up of Putting Pumpkin Sentences Together.

Students read Halloween sentences and identified nouns, adjectives, and verbs on www.lilcuties.com/hlp.htm
Check it out!!
(grades 3,4, and 5)

A Logical Harvest
Students in grades 3,4, and 5 read clues in order to figure out what order to place 4 pumpkins.

Close up of papers completed correctly for A Logical Harvest.

Close up.

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Pumpkin Puzzler
Students in grades 3,4, and 5 read clues to help them decide what order to place 4 pumpkins on a fence.

Student pages for Pumpkin Puzzler.

Close up.

Putting Pumpkin Sentences in Order
After hearing a story read, 1st and 2nd graders put sentences (in a pocket chart) in order according to the story.

Putting Pumpkin Sentences in Order
After hearing a story read, 1st and 2nd graders put sentences (in a pocket chart) in order according to the story.

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Putting Pumpkin Sentences in Order
After listening to a story, 3rd,4th, and 5th graders cut out sentences and pasted them in the order that they happened in the story.

Close up.

Pumpkin Plurals
Students in grades 3,4, and 5 wrote words and their plural forms on a pumpkin shape.

Close up.



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