September Student Work

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The themes for September were: Nutrition and Texas!!
Click on a picture for a larger view!

September bulletin board pictures!

nutritionbb1.JPG (180370 bytes)

texasbb1.JPG (194086 bytes)

texasbb3.JPG (155014 bytes)

foodpyramid.JPG (108857 bytes)

foodpyramid2.JPG (99594 bytes)

nutritionbooks.JPG (198755 bytes)

bluebonnetcwords.JPG (239080 bytes)

bluebonnetcwordsclose.JPG (165483 bytes)

Food Pyramid
Students each made a food pyramid.

Food Pyramid
Students each made a food pyramid.

Each student completed a Nutrition Book. They had to identify foods and their food groups.

The bluebonnet is the state flower of Texas. Students made compound words out of word pieces and glued them on a bluebonnet.

Close up of Bluebonnet Compound Words

friendshiprwords.JPG (98261 bytes)

friendshiprwordsclose.JPG (114283 bytes)

texasantonyms2.JPG (73903 bytes)

texasantonymsshape.JPG (146535 bytes)

texascontractions.JPG (196234 bytes)

Friendship Rhyming Words
Friendship is the motto of Texas. Students had to come up with rhyming words for these friendship words.

Friendship Rhyming Words up close.

Texas Antonyms
Students had to match the antonyms.
(for grades 1-2)

Texas Antonyms
Students thought of adjectives to describe Texas, wrote them on a Texas shape, and then wrote antonyms for each word. (grades 3,4, and 5)

Texas Contractions
Students were given sets of 2 words and asked to make contractions out of them.
(grades 3,4, and 5)

ptrwords.JPG (165971 bytes)

ptrwordsclose.JPG (215898 bytes)


Pecan Tree Rhyming Words
The pecan tree is the state tree of Texas. Students in grades 1 and 2 cut out and matched up rhyming words. Then they glued the rhyming words on a pecan tree.

Close up.


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