January/February Student Work

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In January & February, ESL students worked on making their own web pages! They did SUCH a great job! Students were responsible for the following:

1. Deciding on a theme for their page
2. "Copying" the clip art for their page off the Internet
3. "Pasting" the clip art onto their web page
4. Deciding what topics to write about on their web page and writing about those topics
5. Typing all the words on their web page
6. Deciding the overall design for their page

This project gave the ESL students practice with the following skills:
computer skills
FrontPage 2000 skills
web page design
Internet skills

Please check out these finished web pages:
Amber's Page
Anna's Page
Anthony's Page
Araceli's Page
Ashley's Page
Casimero's Page
Deziray's Page
Kristen's Page
Jacob's Page
Jesse's Page
Joey's Page
Jose's Page
Maria's Page
Mariana's Page
Mark's Page
Megan's Page
Micaela's Page
Misael's Page
Ricardo's Page
Ricky's Page