October Student Work

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The themes for October were: Election and Halloween!!
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October bulletin board pictures!

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electionbb3.JPG (207133 bytes)

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electionbook1.JPG (127088 bytes)

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oathofoffice.JPG (99403 bytes)

Each student made a Presidential Election Book.

The first page of the book was about the candidates.

This was a page in the book: Requirements For the President.

This was a page in the book: Requirements to Vote.

On this page, the students wrote the Oath of Office.

electionalphabet.JPG (133163 bytes)

ifiwerepres.JPG (173384 bytes)

presshould.JPG (146287 bytes)

steppingintooffice.JPG (243562 bytes)

redorblue.JPG (180258 bytes)

Election Alphabet
Students wrote an election related word that began with almost every letter of the alphabet.

If I Were President
Students wrote about what they would do if they were president.

The President Should Be...
Students thought of adjectives to describe how a president should be.

Students in grades 3,4, and 5 did a reading comprehension page about Inauguration Day.

We practiced voting like people did long ago-"Corning and Beaning". A piece of corn stood for one thing and a bean for another. We voted on several things this way.

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