October Student Work

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The themes for October were: Election and Halloween!!
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We did a school wide "Corning and Beaning". Students had 3 questions to vote on:
1. Which sweet is better: Cookies or Candy?

2. Which animal is better: Dog or Cat?

3. Which food is better: Pizza or Hamburger?

We had a great voter turn out for our school wide "Corning and Beaning". Almost every class voted. Look at our results!

Here are some students taking an "Election Quiz" on www.lilcuties.com/hlp.htm
Check it out!!
These boys did really well on the quiz and learned a lot about the election!

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Students in grades 1 and 2 practiced with: Big, Bigger, Biggest and Small, Smaller, Smallest.

Students in grades 1 and 2 read and followed directions on this sheet.

Close up.

Students in grades 3,4, and 5 read and completed this following directions sheet.

Close up.

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How-To Writing
Students decorated Halloween cookies and then wrote a How-To paper about it.

A rough draft sheet for the How-To writing.

Final copies.

I Like Halloween Because...
Students wrote about why they like Halloween.

Putting Together Pumpkin Sentences
Students in grades 1 and 2 were given groups of words that they had to glue in order on a paper to make sentences.

More on Next Page!

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